Using supporting psychological research studies, discuss the strengths, weaknesses and efficacy of a workplace intervention* on employee behaviour.

Please outline in the Introduction to the essay how your chosen workplace intervention differs from the one used in the first submission.

Using supporting empirical research studies as reported in academic journals is an important aspect of this essay task so you should ensure that all discussion points are appropriately supported with empirical research from primary sources (ie: journal articles rather than textbooks). Care should be taken to ensure the relevance of such research also.

The content of this essay should go beyond descriptive material and key issues covered in the online materials used in the delivery of your course. You need to demonstrate that you have undertaken appropriate additional reading and research, as well as showing your knowledge of contemporary research studies that have investigated your chosen workplace intervention.

Supporting psychological research should be reported using the APA system of referencing, in the main body of the essay and in an appropriate, full, and detailed reference section at the end of the essay.

Essays should be presented in Arial or Comic Sans font and 1.5 line spacing. Subsections should not be used within an academic essay.
Word count should be 3000 words + or minus 10%.

Learning Outcomes;
1. Critically evaluate a range of theoretical frameworks and/or models of psychology applied to work environments.

2. Critically assess the effects of contextual factors on individuals in the workplace and how psychologists might respond to these