The Power and Impact of Popular Culture on Social and Individual Identity

Dear Writer, please write on the topic : Race and Ethnicity.
For this Competency, you consider your individual role in the creation and consumption of popular culture. Some of the resources may look familiar and some are new. All are selected to help you start thinking about and analyzing the role of popular culture in defining both social and your own personal values. As you proceed through the modules, consider the power and influence of popular culture on social issue messaging and how local, regional, and global access to popular culture artifacts/expressions can affect social issue messaging and representation. Ask yourself: Is the shared experience of popular culture more valuable than diversity of expression? Can a single person change popular culture? How has popular culture connected to/influenced your values? And, how does an individual protect his or her own values in a pop culture world?

This Written Response Assessment consists of nine items focusing on social issues and social issue messaging conveyed in popular culture over time, how access to popular culture artifacts/expressions may affect social issue messaging and representation, and the power and impact of popular culture on social and individual values and identity.

This Area of Expertise has challenged you to think about five general social issues: violence, indecency/free speech, race/ethnicity, social and economic class, and gender and sexuality, in the context of Modern Popular Culture, However, these are not the only ones. Some social issues fall within one of these five general issues. For example, violence against women is within the general social issue of violence. Bullying might be considered a type of violence but could also be considered an/a indecency/free speech issue. If you spend enough time thinking about it, you could come up with dozens of specific social issues that fall within these five general issues.

Take time to think of a particular social issue that matters to you; one that you will explore more deeply during this Competency. Perhaps, the issue you choose has been a factor in your life, or in your familys. Perhaps, you have not been affected directly by this issue but when you see the issue played out in real lifeyou get uncomfortable, angry, or even moved to action. Once you have selected an issue, review the resources provided and start researching to learn as much as you can about this particular issue, so you will be able to explain why this social issue resonates with you and how it is represented in popular culture, including examples of popular culture artifacts/expressions. Move on to review credible resources found via the Walden Library, Google Scholar, or perhaps a respected news source. You will work with this social issue for all of the following modules as well as in the Assessment for this Competency.