Strategic Procurement within Berry Global

Final Project:

The case study grading rubric will be used to evaluate the final project. The final project should address all of the following:

The purpose of the written final project is to analyze the current overall Strategic Procurement within Berry Global (a Fortune 500 global manufacturer and marketer of plastic packaging products). Please make sure you respond to the questions as you were an employee, the questions that you can’t find an answered must be addressed using Strategic methodology as well.

Please address the following in writing:

Identify the current overall strategic procurement within your organization. Describe the current strategic procurement in your organization with regard to terms used in the text.
Describe both the strengths and weaknesses of the current strategic procurement in your organization.
Identify the desired strategic procurement process for your organization. What and how would you use some of the performance tools and measures from chapter 19 in your assessment?
Develop recommendations or an action plan to improve the strategic procurement process within your organization? Justify why you recommended what you did.
Discuss metrics for how you would know whether the strategic procurement implementation was successful? e. surveys, feedback from suppliers, feedback from customers, etc.