Discussing how important Religion was and how it was used in “Of Plymouth Plantation”
Essay Assignment Description and Instructions This is a literary analysis essay on your chosen literary work(s). Your essay, which should be a minimum of 2,250 words, should be primarily based on your analysis of the work(s)a close reading. Use outside sources to supplement and compliment what you write about. You have leeway to focus the paper as you see appropriate. This is a thesis-driven paper, meaning that you are being judged by how well you prove your thesis. Your paper must include four outside sources. In addition to the work-specific criticism you collected in your annotated bibliography (you dont have to use all of these sources, if you do not feel they are appropriate for what you ultimately do), you may also include information from a biography on the author, letters by the author, and other useful books on literary criticism, philosophy, history, etc. That said, be sure to include at least two novel-specific works (as discussed in the annotated bibliography) in your essay. Remember, papers should be in MLA style (see Purdue OWL), including 12-point, Times New Roman font and one-inch margins.