So this research paper has three parts:
1. Operations and Supply Chain management research paper: Topic identification and Abstract (300 words)
2. Operations and Supply Chain management research paper: Literature Review (2000 words)
3. Operations and Supply Chain management research paper: Case Application (1800 words)
Part 1 is due on the 5th April
Part 2 is due on the 10th May
Part 3 is due on the 30th May
All information will be provided on a doc as its too big and confusing to paste here
Bowersox, Closs, Cooper and Bowersox (2013) Supply Chain Logistics Management, 4th Edition, McGraw Hill.
Sunil Chopra, Peter Meindl, D.V.Kalra, 6th edition, 2016, Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation, Pearson Education, New Delhi
Jacobs, F. R. and Chase, R. B. (2013) Operations and Supply Chain Management: The Core, 3rd edition, Boston, MA: Irwin McGraw Hill
Michael, H, Hugos, (2011) Essentials of Supply Chain Management, Third edition, Wiley
Janat Shah; (Supply Chain Management-Text & Cases, Pearson Education, New Delhi
Simchi-Levi, Kaminsky and Simchi-Levi (2005) Designing and Managing the Supply Chain
2nd Edition, McGraw Hill.
Martin Christopher (2013), Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Pearson UK
Donald Waters and Stephen Rinsler (2014), Global Logistics: New Directions in Supply
Chain Management, Kogan Page Publisher, UK
Robert Handfiled and Ernest Nichols Jr. (2008), Introduction to Supply Chain Management,
2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, USA