Does social media have a more positive or negative impact in the classroom?

Topic: Social Medias effects on Childrens Education
Present the issue [2-4 sentences]
a. General introduction statement. [1-2 sentences]
Social media has advanced rapidly over the years. Social media has provided resources and has become a debatable topic these past few years.
Provide information that leads to your argumentative statement (1c) [1-2 sentences]
Social media has proven to be very effective and have had several advancements, including schools. Social media has aslso proven to show negative effects throughout the school system.
i. Transform your topic into a question. There has to be some point that you plan to argue. Is X more effective than Y? Is X the best way? Why should we choose X and not Y?
Does social media have a more positive or negative impact in the classroom?
ii. Transform your question into a statement. This is your statement of argument. X is more effective than Y because
Social media has shown that there are many negative impacts that are in the classroom. It has proven that technonlogy has taken children away from the real education from school.
Directly Argue Your Point [4-6 sentences]
b. Research component: You must include 2 scholarly sources that support your argument. List them here.
i. For: 22 Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in, 3 June 2019,
ii. For: Belland, John C, and Denis Hlynka.Paradigms Regained: the Uses of Illuminative, Semiotic and Post-Modern Criticism as Modes of Inquiry in Educational Technology: a Book of Readings. Educational Technology Publications, 1991.
iii. For: O’Brien, Carl. Technology Can Hurt Students’ Learning, Research Shows.The Irish Times, The Irish Times, 9 Feb. 2018,
iv. Patel, Dhruvin. How Technology Impacts Children’s Development.Medium, Thrive Global, 2 Mar. 2018,
v. Weiss, Robert, and Jennifer P. Schneider.Closer Together, Further Apart: the Effect of Technology and the Internet on Parenting, Work, and Relationships. Gentle Path Press, 2014.