Create a tool that includes your recruitment recommendations to the manager and recruitment team of an organization

Create a tool that includes your recruitment recommendations to the manager and recruitment team of an organization. You are creating it as if your organization is a recruitment agency providing the information to a university. However, this is something that youve utilized and provided to other organizations.

Identify the categories that you want incorporated into your tool and recommendations for recruitment. You can add a section for the manager or recruiter to identify if the task was accomplished by someone within the organization. There are other categories to include with your project; however, read this information:


Read the position description

When do you recommend that this occurs?

Who should manage reading this information?

Was the position description provide or reviewed?


Three supporting references in APA.

Grading Rubric
PowerPoint Presentation
100 %
4 pts Accomplished
3.4 pts Developing
3 pts Beginning
2.6 pts Did not attempt
0 pts
Content/Subject Matter
40 %


Content reflects a high level of critical thinking and analysis; findings and conclusion(s) are based on peer-reviewed research in accordance with assignment instructions. Assignment requirements are fully addressed.


Content reflects an acceptable level of critical thinking and analysis; findings and conclusion(s) are based on peer-reviewed research in whole or in part in accordance with assignment instructions. Assignment requirements are addressed for the most part.


Content reflects a level of critical thinking and analysis that is below expectations; research fails to fully support the findings and conclusion(s)
provided. Although content is obtained from a variety of sources, it is not always relevant.


Content reflects a level of critical thinking and analysis that is well below expectations; research fails to support findings and conclusion(s). Content is obtained from a variety of sources, but is either not relevant, or the subject matter is not fully understood.

Did not attempt

Assignment instructions in relation to content and subject matter were not followed either in whole or in part.

5 %


References and in-text citations are properly formatted in accordance with APA style guidelines.


References and in-text citations are properly formatted in accordance with APA style guidelines most of the time.


References and intext citations are properly formatted in accordance with APA style guidelines some of the time.


Formatting references and in-text citations is inconsistent with APA style guidelines.

Did not attempt

APA style guidelines and formatting not attempted.

Creative use of technology
20 %


Student demonstrates a working knowledge of the computer application(s) utilized for this assignment; work product far exceeds expectations.


Student demonstrates a solid working knowledge of the computer application(s) utilized for this assignment; work product meets expectations.


Student demonstrates a reasonably effective working knowledge of computer application(s). utilized for this assignment; work product will improve over time with practice.


Student demonstrates a limited working knowledge of computer application(s) utilized for this assignment.

Did not attempt

Student failed to demonstrate a working knowledge of the computer application(s) utilized for this assignment; unable to satisfy assignment requirements.

Grammar/ Mechanics
15 %


Presentation is largely free of errors in grammar, usage, and writing mechanics.


Presentation is mostly free of errors in grammar, usage, and writing mechanics.


Presentation is free of a significant number of distracting errors in grammar, usage, and writing mechanics.


Presentation contains a significant number of distracting errors in grammar, usage, and writing mechanics.

Did not attempt

contains an excessive number of distracting errors in grammar, usage, and writing mechanics.

20 %


Presentation is extremely well-organized; information is thoughtfully presented and logically sequenced to capture the attention of the audience.


Presentation is well-organized and coherent; ideas are sequenced logically and the information shared flows in an effective manner.


Presentation is organized and coherent. Sequence of ideas is effective, but there are breaks in logic or flow.


Presentation is loosely organized, and lacks coherence in the logic and flow of the information shared.

Did not attempt

Presentation lacks organization. Information is poorly presented with little to no logic in relation to how information is sequenced.