Choose one song that tackles any social issue and discuss the effectiveness of its message. How does the song convince the listener to consider the particular social issue?

Prompt: Choose one song that tackles any social issue and discuss the effectiveness of its message. How does the song convince the listener to consider the particular social issue?
Further details: You will include no more than one reference to provide support about the history or background of the societal problem. The essay should include your detailed interpretation of the song and should discuss the persuasive impact on audiences. Please do not consult any outside sources for your song analysis; the analysis should be yours alone. Follow MLA formatting rules.
Format options:
Traditional Analysis Essay, 2 pages (Works Cited will be your 3rd or 4th page, depending on length)
Analysis Video, 3-5 minutes long, Works Cited included at the end
Develop and implement a writing process
Practice active reading strategies
Demonstrate critical thinking and analysis
Find and use credible research
Follow MLA formatting rules for academic writing and research
Organize an essay with a thesis statement, topic sentences, supporting evidence and transitions
Embed a quotation following MLA rules
Avoid punctuation pitfalls: run-ons, fragments, missing commas, misplaced semi-colons.
Use the literary present tense when analyzing the song lyrics

Due Dates:
Week 1: Review assignment sheet, analyze a sample and choose a song for analysis
Week 2: Complete 2 close reading/active reading activities with your song choice, research background info (one source), draft the essay or video.
Week 3: Peer Review and Zoom Conferences
Final Essay or Video due before Sunday May 3 @ 11:59pm
Song Analysis Rubric and Checklist Points
Content: Background and Analysis (50 points)
For both Essay and Video:
Includes relevant background/historical information from at least one credible source
Provides thoughtful, original analysis of the song (do NOT consult outside sources), clearly addressing the prompt
Reveals close reading/critical thinking of the song lyrics
Style and Organization (25 points)
For Essay:
Writes a clear thesis statement that addresses the prompt
Includes an introduction, several body paragraphs, and a conclusion
Develops paragraphs that follow a logical format (Claim-Evidence-Commentary) with clear topic sentences
Transitions between ideas using transitional words/phrases
Embeds quotations correctly following MLA rules (no more than 1 or 2 per paragraph)
Uses consistent present tense during song analysis
For Video:
Gives a clear thesis statement that addresses the prompt
Analysis is centered around 2 or 3 points and presented in a logical order (does not go line-by-line through the lyrics)
Clear intro and conclusion
Images included add value to analysis
Grammar/Mechanics (15 points)
For Essay:
Essay follows MLA formatting rules for heading, title, spacing, font, font size
Follows MLA rules for Works Cited and in-text citations
Uses author and title punctuation and capitalization correctly
Has minimal problems with the following errors: run-ons, fragments, missing commas, and misplaced semi-colons
For Video:
Gives student name, course info, etc at the start
Give the video an original title
Ends the video with a correctly-formatted Works Cited page
Peer Review Participation (10 points)
Student posts a draft to Canvas by the due date.
Student provides written feedback on Canvas to 3 assigned drafts. The feedback follows the rubric and offers at least 3 comments.

Prompt: Choose one song that tackles any social issue and discuss the effectiveness of its message.