Respond to the four questions/statements below. Each response (to each question) should be at least 250 words.
Briefly summarize Margaret Meads gender research findings in New Guinea. What does the research by Margaret Meads research lead us to conclude about gender? (For this response, refer to the textbook and PowerPoint on the Social Construction of Gender ).
Identify the three factors that account for most of the wage gap between women and men? Explain how these factors disadvantage womens earnings. (For this response, refer to the textbook and PowerPoint on the Social Construction of Gender ).
Explain how race is a social construction, rather than a biological fact. (For this response, refer to the textbook and PowerPoint on race and ethnicity ).
(The following question is based on the article, “The new threat: Racism without Racists,” which you can access using this link: (Links to an external site.))What does Eduardo Boilla-Silva mean by “colorblind racism” (provide some examples), and why is this a threat?